Monday Jun 03, 2024

Germany – Tracks From Abroad Ep. 112

On the 112th episode of Tracks from Abroad we take a voyage to Deutschland and speak to student Victoria and University College Principal Marcus Stock. Victoria speaks about her time growing up in Germany, visiting many different cities, all with their unique charm. She also touches on the ethos of young German kids drinking away at Oktoberfest, listening to, in her humble opinion, unironically good, festive drinking tunes called Schlager Music.

Professor Stock shares some of his personal challenges when adapting to Canadian culture, namely Canadian’s outward politeness; having more than 20 ways to say “no”, which contrasts with many German’s direct approach to communication. He touches on some of the social movements in Germany after the second world war and how they mainfested in music, allowing the German population to grapple with their collective guilt and greif from the war.

We play everything from upbeat Schlager, to mellow classical numbers on today’s packed episode. Join us next week for a vacation special in Belize, Monday at 6PM ON CIUT 89.5FM.

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